My Bullet journals

 “In 20 years I won’t remember today; that scares me.”

This quote always got to me. I think it’s the perfect reminder to be present every day, and not only have your eyes on the future. Live in the moment and enjoy! Make memories worth remembering.

To make sure I would remember the little things as well, I started my first bullet journal 2 years ago on my 28th birthday. One year, one journal. So last Sunday, I got to start a brand new one as I turned 30.


I use my journal more like a diary, with a little entry every day and lots of pictures, trinkets like movie and festival tickets and little reminders of special days and moments.

That way, hopefully, I’ll have an easy way to look back on my life 20 years from now and remember all my adventures. Big and small.

Do you have a journal or diary to hold all your memories?

All my love,

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